Find Financial Stability With a Merchant Cash Advance
Small business owners have specialized loan options, but may need financial alternatives for a variety of reasons. This is especially true for businesses that experience frequent revenue fluctuations and for borrowers with imperfect credit. These prospective borrowers may benefit from a merchant cash advance. You may qualify even if you have been turned down for other types of credit.
How it Works
With a merchant cash advance, you borrow from your own merchant account to cover immediate expenses. The funds are drawn from future credit card sales, meaning you do not have to make monthly payments. This type of funding carries the following benefits and terms:
- Up to $200,000 in funding for each business location
- No closing costs or application fees
- No collateral required and no risk of equity loss
- Less paperwork than traditional loans
- Funding within 7 days
- Works with most major credit cards, including American Express, Discover, Visa, and MasterCard
If approved, you can use the advanced funds for anything your business needs. Purchase inventory, buy needed supplies and equipment, or pay expansion costs.
Contact Us
Call AK Capital Finance or fill out the online contact form to get in touch with our team. One of our financial experts can answer your questions and guide you through the application process.